13 July 2009

Up Before The Birds...

It happened again!
I was up before the birds to see a beautiful sunrise!
Shocking I know! I surprised even myself! lol

This time I was at the lookout at Mt Kuther.
I've been there once before. It was during the day
and it was lovely. But to be there at sunrise looking out over
Brisbane and the mountains... BEAUTIFUL!
Cold... but very beautiful!

At first it's like looking out into the night and seeing
the city lights spread as far as the eye can see.
Then as the sun begins the make its way through
the clouds and above the horizon the city wakes up,
the fog begins to lift and everything becomes clearer.
It was quite uplifting and very symbolic for me.

Below are two photographs from the morning.
They really don't do the view justice.
Wish I had remembered my tripod.
I'm a little out of practice.

Thanks for looking!
Sarah x

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