Week 1's challange was to capture images that reflect your emotions. Aptly titled... EMO.
Here are my entries...
ISO 200 - f/8 - 1" - BW
symbolising my current need for escape. By indulging in my passion for reading I am taken to worlds that are not my own. For a few short chapters a night I am blinkered from my own reality.
ISO 400 - f/3.2 - 1/100 - full colour (desaturated in PS)
This one is quite possibly an obvious choice of symbolism for feeling trapped. This relates to the way I feel about Owen's issues (Autism/ADHD) when I am at my lowest. When I feel like there is no escape possible my thoughts snowball. I feel encapsulated in the whole situation and i am suffocted by guilt. I am taken over by a fear that sucks the life right out of me. It scares me senseless! Luckily for my own sanity I am a positive person and make a concious decision not to let these feelings take over completely. It's ok to be scared but I must stay strong and fight for what I know i can achieve. I am a mother after all... and mothers can beat the unconquerable! (is that even a word?)
ISO 200 - f/5.6 - 1/2 - BW
After posting two photos that represent negative feelings I needed to capture a positive. This one is a HUGE positive for me! I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I am already beginning to feel the Christmas Spirit rise up from my toes and fill my heart with a happiness that feels so good.
Christmas to me means so many things. It's a very special time of year for me. Spending more time with family and friends... the people i love... and showing them how much i care. I love giving gifts and making people's hearts happy. Traditions are in an abbundance at this time of year... selecting a new decoration for the tree each year as a keepsake, making christmas cards, decoration gingerbread, christmas light spotting on christmas eve, honey ham & eggs on christmas morning and all of the things that make up that christmas JOY!
Although these things are all lovely and special, christmas is also a difficult time of year for me too. I am an emotional person. i wear my heart on my sleeve and when i love someone, be they friend or family, i love them with all my heart without holding an ounce back. I have many memories of my Nanna spending Christmas with us. She would stay a few nights and sleep in my sister's room ( the cleaner of the two) and Karen and i would get to sleep in the same room. I remember silly things like she would have toast for breakfast and sweetner in her coffee instead of sugar, she would always have mints in her pockets and carry her knitting bag everywhere. She would always be up before mum and dad on Christmas morning (except one year when Karen had to wake her up by repeatedly flushing the toilet in the next room LOL) But all these things were special to me. We lost some of them when Nanna was moved into a home but we still made sure we included an extra special visit to her on Christmas Day. But since her passing last Nov, Christmas has changed somewhat for me. Family have moved away and Nanna is no longer here. Traditions are fading and so is that Christmas spirit that is so special to me.
I captured this image to remind myself of what Christmas means to me and to focus on all the beauty in Christmas. Here's to believing in Santa & his reindeer and to making new Christmas traditions! :)
Check out my talented friends work in the gallery! Un.flash Gallery
Week 2 is all about FAKE. What's fake in your world?
Hope to see you there! :)
Sarah x
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